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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 11, Issue 5, pp. 771-917

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The Use of Polynomials in Evaluating Certain Probabilistic Integrals

S. Simons

pp. 771-786

Notes on the Dyson Conjecture

George E. Andrews

pp. 787-792

On a Nonlinear Hyperbolic Volterra Equation

Olof J. Staffans

pp. 793-812

Splitting the Spectrum of a Riemannian Manifold

David D. Bleecker and Leslie C. Wilson

pp. 813-818

The Eigenvalues of an Equilateral Triangle

Mark A. Pinsky

pp. 819-827

Exact Error Terms in the Asymptotic Expansion of a Class of Integral Transforms I. Oscillatory Kernels

Kusum Soni

pp. 828-841

The Quenching of Solutions of Some Nonlinear Parabolic Equations

Howard A. Levine and John T. Montgomery

pp. 842-847

The Connection Problem for General Linear Ordinary Differential Equations at Two Regular Singular Points with Applications in the Theory of Special Functions

Reinhard Schäfke and Dieter Schmidt

pp. 848-862

The Connection Problem for Two Neighboring Regular Singular Points of General Linear Complex Ordinary Differential Equations

Reinhard Schäfke

pp. 863-875

Inequalities for Ultraspherical and Laguerre Polynomials. II

J. Bustoz and N. Savage

pp. 876-884

Weighted $L^1$-Remainder Theorems for Resolvents of Volterra Equations

G. S. Jordan and Robert L. Wheeler

pp. 885-900

Periodic Solutions of a Nonlinear Age-Dependent Model of Single Species Population Dynamics

K. E. Swick

pp. 901-910

Note on the Asymptotic Behavior of Multidimensional Laplace Integrals

L. A. Skinner

pp. 911-917